Design Guide: Shelf Styling Tips for a Beautiful Bookcase

I LOVE styling shelves. Maybe because it feels like you’ve created a work of art when you have perfectly balanced shelves? Or maybe it’s because you can constantly add new items and change it up? Either way, I love shelf styling and a good #shelfie.

Bookshelves can take up a good amount of space in a home, and when they do, they become a focal point. And that focal point should be balanced, beautiful and interesting. If you struggle with styling your shelves, I hope my tips and tricks below will help you achieve a #shelfie worthy bookcase, too! (and if you are still struggling, I can help you with my styling service!)

1. Clear off your bookshelves before you start.

You want to be able to start with a clean slate. You want to focus on one shelf at a time, so removing everything is a must. It also helps you see what you already have, and allows you to move things around without feeling like you have to work around certain pieces and their “homes” on your shelves.

2. Pick a colour palette.

By limiting to one colour, or neutral tones on your shelves, you are creating harmony and a cohesive feel. My bookshelves are dark, so I tend to use a lot of lighter coloured objects to create contrast (whites, lighter tones of wood – all neutral of course ha.). Dark objects can get lost on dark shelves, and you want to make sure you have contrast no matter what color your shelf is. 

3. Start with larger items.

I like to start with my largest items and place them on the shelves first (baskets, stacks of books, large vases). 

I find it easier to style and group smaller items after the large objects are placed. This also helps create balance on your bookshelves. 

Try to keep these large and heavy objects on the bottom of the bookshelf, as they double as an anchor. 

4. Create groupings of objects

 The general rule is groupings of 3, and this is because odd numbers are more aesthetically pleasing when it comes to decor – giving a balanced look without being too symmetrical. I challenge that idea with my shelves, and have some items paired together for an effortless look. Usually my pairs consist of two similar items, like frames and I make sure they are of different heights and style, so they still provide interest to the eye.

5. Add personality with curated items, layers and texture.​

I kept a few family photos on my shelves (and my DIY Vase!) to add a personal touch to my shelves. Displaying items you have collected either from travelling, have made or items that you simply love keep your shelves exciting and feeling more collected.

Books, baskets, art and bowls all add a nice element of texture, and are easy to layer with one another. If you are using books, and they clash with your colour scheme, simply turn the spines to the wall, and let the pages face out so they appear neutral. 

6. Add greenery!

Greenery is my favourite thing to use on shelves…or anywhere really in my house. I love a good plant (faux or real).  They help add a pop of colour, and bring a bit of nature and life to your shelves. I added those faux fern leaves to the white bowl, and I love how it turned out. Take your florals/greenery and try them in bowls, or deep trays to vary your decor.

*if using real plants, don’t water them on your shelves, unless they are on a tray – you don’t want to ruin your wood shelves with water marks. 

7. Add in height.

Play with height on your shelves. Group short items with taller, and use stacked books/boxes to add height to smaller objects. Using different heights adds variety and lets objects stand out on their own.

8. Re-arrange as much as you need to.​

You do not need to “perfectly” style your shelves on the first go. It took me two full days to feel like my shelves are just right. I am still on the hunt for some vintage items, and once I find those items I’ll likely be re-arranging again! Take a step back after you complete a shelf, and re-arrange as many times as you need to until it feels right to you.

Things you can add to your bookshelf:

  • Books
  • Bookends
  • Candles
  • Vases
  • Decorative Objects
  • Frames
  • Art
  • Plants
  • Bowls
  • Baskets
  • Trays
  • Sculptures
  • Really anything that adds interest, texture or contrast.
I hope you found this helpful and you are now on the path to a more beautiful bookshelf!
If you are still feeling overwhelmed with styling your shelves, or adding finishing touches in any room of your house – I can help you! Let’s chat and get your house feeling like your home. 
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